PRO TIP: Increase effectiveness by allowing Amodex to remain on a stain for 1-12 hours (use your discretion) before laundering.
➜Amodex is a soap and not a solvent, unlike other stain removers, so it can sit indefinitely on a stain without damaging the fabric. Leaving Amodex sitting on a stain for hours is what sets it apart from other products and allows it to remove stains that nothing else will.
➜As long as a stain lightens after a long application, you can repeat applications to continue removing the stain.
➜Do not use elbow grease. You only need to work in Amodex for a minute. If you need to get a stain out immediately, continue working in our product until the stain is gone. Otherwise, allow it to sit as long as needed.

Fabrics and Surfaces
For Pre-Treating Stains on Washable Clothing
For Spot Removal on Dry Cleanable Garments
Upholstery, Carpets, and Draperies
Leather (including auto upholstery)
Heavy Ink Stains
Hands and Skin
Surface Cleaning
Removing Wax
To Remove Markers from Fabric:
To Remove Markers from Walls & Woodwork:
To Remove Markers from Plastic, Finished Stone or Other Porous Surfaces:
To Remove Markers from Metal, Glass and Other Non-Porous Surfaces:
Helpful Hints