Glide Trilobal Polyester (No.40)


Glide utilizes special technology to capture a beautiful luster within the fibers of a colorfast polyester. We welcome you to compare our Glide colors to your favorite polyester or rayon thread.


Fil-Tec Glide with Advanced Trilobal Technology will maintain consistent tension throughout each & every spool. The results are high quality, consistent stitch formation, less thread breaks & fewer machine stops.


Glide offers superior coverage for all your sewing applications. Uniform & complete coverage (fill) provides a unique look. The thread appears to melt into the fabric.


Glide offers superior coverage for all your sewing applications. Uniform & complete coverage (fill) provides a unique look. The thread appears to melt into the fabric.


Glide runs virtually lint-free through your machine’s needle & tensioners.

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